Gaushaala in Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Infrastructure for Gaushaala
Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan
Sanstha: Name of sanstha (Registration: Jaipur 1785)
Founder: Local Panchayats
Total Funds needed: Rs.140,000
Funds committed so far: Rs.10,000
This Gaushaala is currently home to more than 200 gau vansh. These 200 non milk producing cows are protected and taken care of in this gaushaala that was recently setup. Please see pictures of this Gaushaala below.
- The Guashaala does not have a feeding area – this is the cement constructed places where the fodder (chaara) is kept. In the absence of this the fodder is spread on the sandy ground, resulting in difficulty for Gaumaata to eat. Also this process results in some wastage of already scarce fodder.
- The Gaushaala does not have an electricity connection. They have submitted applications to the electricity authorities, but both times the files somehow got lost in the processing. One option was to continue following up with the electricity department to get a connection – with an uncertain answer on when it will happen. Advise was taken from experts in the clean energy field including those at India Clean Energy. It was found that for the same cost of processing (about Rs.60,000), it will be possible to get a Solar water pump installed on the site. This will provide a no monthly cost solution, as Sun energy will drive the pump. Not having a monthly electricity bill cost, will be a blessing for the gaushaala.
- By building a cemented feed area, the Gaushaala will be able to better take care of the Gau. Fodder wastage will also be prevented.
- A solar water pump will provide continued water supply and save on any electricity bills.
Participation: You too can participate in this Gau seva by contributing to the cost of installing this much needed infrastructure. All supporters will be recognized on the Supporters list that will be installed in the Gaushaala.
Please submit the form below and our volunteer support staff will contact you on phone to provide further details.
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