Health Products – List of Churan products

Health Products – List of Churan products

Gomay churan
Diseases treated by the Gomay churan
Packing Size

Medhuher kschar churna     Purgative,carminative and stomachic specific for reducing fat of the body.
50 gm.
Alavan gomutra harde churna     Carminative and gastric, used in lose of appetite, constipation, dyspepsia, spleen, sprue, colic, indigestion.and stomach troubles.     70 gm.
Hariday rakshk churan     Tonic and cardic stimulant. used in diseases of heart and respiratory disorders.     70 gm.
Samudradi churn     Carminative and gastric, stimulant. used in loss of appetite, constipation, dyspepsia, spleen, sprue, colic indigestion and stomach troubles.     50 gm.
Goamy dant manjan     Regular use checks dental decay and keeps the teeth, sparkling white.     100 gm.
Gomutra Harde churna     Carminative and gastric, stimulant, indicated in flatulence, dyspepsia, colic costiveness and detention of wind in intestine.     70 gm.
Haridra Khand     Indicated in urticaria and skin troubles.     70 gm.
Rasayana churna     Indicated in hyperacidity, diuretic, demulcent and alterative.     70 gm.
Chaturbuj churan     Antispasmodic, gastric, laxative. useful in back pain, abdomen pain .     70 gm.

Dantamart churan     Use in  dental diseases like pyrrhoea, spongy gums bleeding gums. sensitivity of cold and hot water, toothache, bed breathing etc. Regular use of this powder makes teeth healthy, clean and strengthens to gums.     50 gm.

The above is a product list offered by Gau Seva Samiti, Kishangarh (Raj).    Complete the contact us form (link in the left menu) to reach them.  Your message will be forwarded by us immediately, and you will get more information from them.

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It is strongly recommended you consult with an Ayurvedic Doctor (Vaidya), before purchasing or using any of the medicines given above.  As per Ayurveda, each constitution is different and medicines need to be customized accordingly.

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Health Products – List of Churan products

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